
Answer-iT© (SMS Q&A customer acquisition tool)

Answer-iT© (SMS answer bot tool) This SMS tool is designed to engage potential customers/clients by asking questions and guiding them to specific lead magnets based on their responses. It serves as a powerful tool for lead generation, helping to build a list of potential customers/clients for future marketing efforts When you think innovation, think SMS-iT.

Before creating your Answer-iT© bot tool, you'll need to establish a "group" or container within the SMS-iT CRM system where your prospects will be entered. This allows you to utilize various marketing tools to guide potential clients through the funnel, from initial engagement to becoming paying customers.

Create a Group


Click on "Quick Links".

Click on "Quick Links".

Click on "Add a Group"

Click on "Add a Group"

Name your group. This is where your contacts will be listed after they answer your questions.

Name your group. This is where your contacts will be listed after they answer your questions.

click on "Save"

click on "Save"

Group created.

Group created.

Create an Answer-iT Q&A form.


Click on the "Smart Tools" icon.

Click on the "Smart Tools" icon.

Click on "Create"

Click on "Create"

Name your Answer-iT form.

Name your Answer-iT form.

Choose a "Keyword". This word is what potential clients/customers will text to initiate your Answer-iT Q&A form. When they text the keyword, they'll be grouped and opted in, allowing you to contact them later with additional offers and guide them through their customer journey.

Choose a "Keyword". This word is what potential clients/customers will text to initiate your Answer-iT Q&A form. When they text the keyword, they'll be grouped and opted in, allowing you to contact them later with additional offers and guide them through their customer journey.

Choose "Send Number" from the drop-down menu. This is the number that potential clients/customers will text the keyword to, and the Answer-iT Q&A will be sent to them.

Choose "Send Number" from the drop-down menu. This is the number that potential clients/customers will text the keyword to, and the Answer-iT Q&A will be sent to them.

Select "Group" from the drop-down menu. This is where your contacts will be stored within the system.

Select "Group" from the drop-down menu. This is where your contacts will be stored within the system.

"Finish All Questions" Checkbox:

  • When checked, the individual must complete all questions in the sequence before texting the keyword again.
  • If unchecked, they can text the keyword before finishing, and they will receive the first question in the sequence again.

We recommend checked.

"Finish All Questions" Checkbox:
- When checked, the individual must complete all questions in the sequence before texting the keyword again.
- If unchecked, they can text the keyword before finishing, and they will receive the first question in the sequence again.

We recommend checked.

Completing your Answer-iT Q&A form

Here is a sample Q&!A form we'll use and complete in the following steps:

  1. Question 1: What time of day do you prefer to work out? Choices:

A. Morning (6:00 am - 10:00 am) B. Afternoon (12:00 pm - 4:00 pm) C. Evening (5:00 pm - 8:00 pm)

  1. Question 2: Which fitness goal is most important to you right now? Choices:

A. Weight loss B. Muscle gain C. Overall fitness and wellness


In the "question" field insert your first question.

In the "question" field insert your first question.

Please note: Do not include a period "." at the end of the letter when entering the "Answer" field; the system will add it automatically. Additionally, the respondent need not include a period in their response; simply typing "A" will suffice.


In the "Answer" field, input the letter choice that the respondent will send back.

Please note: Do not include a period "." at the end of the letter; the system will add it automatically. Additionally, the respondent need not include a period in their response; simply typing "A" will suffice.

In the "Answer" field, input the letter choice that the respondent will send back. 

Please note: Do not include a period "." at the end of the letter; the system will add it automatically. Additionally, the respondent need not include a period in their response; simply typing "A" will suffice.

In the "Description" field, you'll input the answer corresponding to the letter choice selected in the previous field.

In the "Description" field, you'll input the answer corresponding to the letter choice selected in the previous field.


You've filled in all the mandatory fields. Click on "Save" and then return to complete the form. It's also a good practice to "Update" periodically to avoid accidentally losing your work.


Click on "Save"

Click on "Save"



Click on the pencil "Icon" to return to your form.

Click on the pencil "Icon" to return to your form.

Complete the form

The "Response" field is optional, not mandatory. You can run Answer-iT without completing this field, and it will simply proceed to the next question if there is one.


In the "Response" field, devise your message for when the respondent chooses "A". Seize this moment to customize an exclusive offer and leverage this marketing opportunity to its fullest potential.

For this example, for the response we inserted:

Great choice going for the morning workout! We have a special training program tailored to early risers like yourself. Start your day off right with energizing exercises designed to maximize your productivity and overall well-being. Let's get you started on your fitness journey bright and early! Enjoy a free trial to experience the benefits firsthand. Book a session at book.com/657shu

In the "Response" field, devise your message for when the respondent chooses "A". Seize this moment to customize an exclusive offer and leverage this marketing opportunity to its fullest potential. 

For this example, for the response we inserted: 

Great choice going for the morning workout! We have a special training program tailored to early risers like yourself. Start your day off right with energizing exercises designed to maximize your productivity and overall well-being. Let's get you started on your fitness journey bright and early! Enjoy a free trial to experience the benefits firsthand. Book a session at book.com/657shu

Adding answers (B.) and (C.)


Click on the "Plus" icon to add another set of "Answer", "Description", and "Response" fields.

Click on the "Plus" icon to add another set of "Answer", "Description", and "Response" fields.

Scroll down.

Scroll down.

Complete the fields as you did for the first answer, but this time use "B" and provide a new description and response.

Complete the fields as you did for the first answer, but this time use "B" and provide a new description and response.

After adding a new set of "Answers, descriptions and responses", complete the fields as you did for the first answer, but this time use "C" and provide a new description and response.

After adding a new set of "Answers, descriptions and responses", complete the fields as you did for the first answer, but this time use "C" and provide a new description and response.


Update and return to the form.


Click on "Update"

Click on "Update"

And return to your form.

And return to your form.

Alert send is question is answered.

In the "Alert Phone and Alert Email" fields, you have the option to enter one or multiple email addresses or phone numbers. This will ensure that you receive an alert if a potential customer/client responds to that specific question.


Just complete the fields as needed.

Just complete the fields as needed.

Add Question 2


Click on "Add Question"

Click on "Add Question"

Complete the fields in the same manner as you did in the previous steps.

Complete the fields in the same manner as you did in the previous steps.

Continue in the same manner, completing fields for options B, C, and so forth. Remember, you can have as many questions and answers as needed.


When a customer/client or potential customer/client texts the "Keyword" to you, it initiates the Q&A form and adds the contact to your group folder. This allows you to later communicate with them and guide them through their customer journey.


To test, text the keyword to your "Send" number. You should be able to: Answer all questions. Receive an alert if enabled. And see your contact added to the group.

To test, text the keyword to your "Send" number. You should be able to:
Answer all questions.
Receive an alert if enabled.
And see your contact added to the group.
