
AI: SMS-iT CRM AI Features

Revolutionize Your Business with SMS-iT CRM's Patent-Pending AI Technology

Welcome to the future of customer relationship management! SMS-iT CRM harnesses the power of cutting-edge, patent-pending AI technology to transform how businesses interact with their clients. Whether you're a small business owner, a marketing professional, or a service provider like a doctor or lawyer, our innovative platform is designed to elevate your customer engagement and streamline your operations.

Key Benefits:

1. Supercharged Sales and Marketing: - Automate lead nurturing with personalized AI interactions - Gain deep insights into customer preferences and behaviors - Craft targeted campaigns based on AI-driven analytics

2. Enhanced Customer Service: - Provide 24/7 support with AI-powered chatbots - Seamlessly transfer complex queries to human agents - Reduce response times and increase customer satisfaction

3. Tailored for Professionals: - Doctors: Streamline appointment scheduling and follow-ups - Lawyers: Automate client intake and case management - Small Businesses: Scale your customer service without increasing staff

4. Time and Cost Efficiency: - Reduce manual tasks, allowing you to focus on core business activities - Lower operational costs while improving service quality - Increase productivity across your entire organization

5. Customizable AI Persona: - Create an AI assistant that truly represents your brand voice - Train the AI with your specific business knowledge and FAQs - Ensure consistent and accurate information delivery to clients

6. Data-Driven Decision Making: - Access comprehensive analytics and performance metrics - Identify trends and opportunities in customer interactions - Make informed business decisions based on AI-generated insights

By leveraging SMS-iT CRM's patent-pending AI technology, you're not just adopting a tool – you're embracing a competitive advantage that will propel your business forward in the digital age. Let's explore how our powerful, user-friendly platform can revolutionize your customer relationships and drive unprecedented growth for your business.


Click on "Artificial Intelligence"

Click on "Artificial Intelligence"

AI Dashboard

AI Dashboard The AI dashboard in SMS-iT CRM is a powerful tool that provides comprehensive insights into customer interactions and system performance. Key benefits include: 1. Monitoring and optimizing response times, engagement rates, and conversion rates 2. Analyzing metrics such as error rates, churn rates, and resolution rates 3. Providing detailed user demographics and performance metrics 4. Enabling data-driven decision-making 5. Improving customer service and overall efficiency in managing customer relationships

The dashboard empowers businesses to tailor their strategies to specific audiences, enhance targeted marketing efforts, and promptly address potential issues.


1. Conversations Completed Total Conversations: Displays the number of completed conversations across all channels. Breakdown by Channel: Shows the distribution of conversations among text, social media, email, and chat. 2. Response Time Total Response Time: Indicates the cumulative time spent responding to conversations. Breakdown by Channel: Details the response time for each channel, such as text, social media, email, and chat. 3. Engagement Rate Engagement Rate: Measures the level of user interactions with the service, indicating user activity and interest. 4. Conversion Rate Conversion Rate: Tracks the percentage of conversations that lead to a successful outcome, such as a sale or sign-up. 5. Click-Through Rate (CTR) CTR: Shows the percentage of users who clicked on a link or call-to-action within a conversation.

**1. Conversations Completed**
Total Conversations: Displays the number of completed conversations across all channels.
Breakdown by Channel: Shows the distribution of conversations among text, social media, email, and chat.
**2. Response Time**
Total Response Time: Indicates the cumulative time spent responding to conversations.
Breakdown by Channel: Details the response time for each channel, such as text, social media, email, and chat.
**3. Engagement Rate**
Engagement Rate: Measures the level of user interactions with the service, indicating user activity and interest.
**4. Conversion Rate**
Conversion Rate: Tracks the percentage of conversations that lead to a successful outcome, such as a sale or sign-up.
**5. Click-Through Rate (CTR)**
CTR: Shows the percentage of users who clicked on a link or call-to-action within a conversation.

6. User Statistics User Statistics: Provides detailed metrics about user activities and behaviors, such as user satisfaction, retention, and acquisition levels. 7. Trained Data Trained Data: Shows the volume of data used to train the AI models, indicating the system's learning scope and capabilities. 8. Error Rate Error Rate: Represents the number of errors or issues encountered in the system, important for monitoring system reliability. 9. Churn Rate Churn Rate: Measures the rate at which users stop using the service, indicating customer retention levels. 10. Resolution Rate Resolution Rate: Indicates the percentage of conversations that were successfully resolved, reflecting the effectiveness of support.

**6. User Statistics**
User Statistics: Provides detailed metrics about user activities and behaviors, such as user satisfaction, retention, and acquisition levels.
**7. Trained Data**
Trained Data: Shows the volume of data used to train the AI models, indicating the system's learning scope and capabilities.
**8. Error Rate**
Error Rate: Represents the number of errors or issues encountered in the system, important for monitoring system reliability.
**9. Churn Rate**
Churn Rate: Measures the rate at which users stop using the service, indicating customer retention levels.
**10. Resolution Rate**
Resolution Rate: Indicates the percentage of conversations that were successfully resolved, reflecting the effectiveness of support.

11. User Demographics Demographics: Provides a breakdown of users by country, helping to understand the geographic distribution of your user base. 12. Social Media Integration Social Platforms: Displays the number of users interacting through various social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Dribbble, and GitHub. 13. Performance Metrics - Average Session Duration: Measures the average length of user sessions, indicating engagement. - Language Accuracy: Assesses the accuracy of language processing in interactions. - Task Completion Rate: Shows the percentage of tasks successfully completed within conversations

**11. User Demographics**
Demographics: Provides a breakdown of users by country, helping to understand the geographic distribution of your user base.
**12. Social Media Integration**
Social Platforms: Displays the number of users interacting through various social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Dribbble, and GitHub.
**13. Performance Metrics**
      - Average Session Duration: Measures the average length of user sessions, indicating engagement.
         - Language Accuracy: Assesses the accuracy of language processing in interactions.
     - Task Completion Rate: Shows the percentage of tasks successfully completed within conversations

13. Performance Metrics (Continued) - Intent Recognition Accuracy: Evaluates how accurately the system understands user intents. - Entity Recognition Accuracy: Measures the accuracy of identifying specific entities within conversations. - Sentiment Accuracy: Tracks the accuracy of sentiment analysis, indicating how well the system understands user emotions. - Average Temperature: Can be a metaphorical measure indicating system performance or user engagement level. - NLP Model Confidence Scores: Reflects the confidence level of the AI in its responses. - Naturalness of Responses: Assesses how natural and human-like the AI's responses are. 14. Visitors Visitors: Shows the number of visitors interacting with the system. 15. Session Dropout Rate Session Dropout Rate: Tracks the rate at which users drop out of sessions, indicating potential issues with engagement or satisfaction. 16. Traffic Sources Traffic Sources: Displays the origins of traffic to the system, such as direct, referral, or organic search, to understand how users are finding the service.

**13. Performance Metrics** (Continued)
     - Intent Recognition Accuracy: Evaluates how accurately the system understands user intents.
     - Entity Recognition Accuracy: Measures the accuracy of identifying specific entities within conversations.
       - Sentiment Accuracy: Tracks the accuracy of sentiment analysis, indicating how well the system 
           understands user emotions.
       - Average Temperature: Can be a metaphorical measure indicating system performance or user engagement level.
     - NLP Model Confidence Scores: Reflects the confidence level of the AI in its responses.
    - Naturalness of Responses: Assesses how natural and human-like the AI's responses are.
**14. Visitors**
Visitors: Shows the number of visitors interacting with the system.
**15. Session Dropout Rate**
Session Dropout Rate: Tracks the rate at which users drop out of sessions, indicating potential issues with engagement or satisfaction.
**16. Traffic Sources**
Traffic Sources: Displays the origins of traffic to the system, such as direct, referral, or organic search, to understand how users are finding the service.


SMS-iT CRM AI Settings Overview

The SMS-iT CRM AI Settings page provides essential configuration options for your AI assistant:

1. Basic AI Settings: - Customize fundamental AI behaviors and responses - Set default parameters for AI interactions

2. ChatGPT API Integration: - Connect your ChatGPT API key to power the AI assistant - Enable advanced language processing capabilities

Key Features: - User-friendly interface for easy navigation - Secure API key input for ChatGPT integration - Flexible options to tailor AI functionality to your business needs

This settings page is crucial for initializing and optimizing your AI assistant, ensuring it aligns with your specific requirements and leverages the full potential of the ChatGPT language model.


Click on "Settings"

Click on "Settings"

"Choose your AI model, text" Select your preferred settings: - AI model - Text-to-voice type (ElevenLabs recommended) - Text-to-voice language - Voice model

**"Choose your AI model, text"**
Select your preferred settings:
        - AI model
       - Text-to-voice type (ElevenLabs recommended)
          - Text-to-voice language
       - Voice model

Attach phone numbers to each AI model. Different models can have separate numbers assigned to them for incoming texts.

Attach phone numbers to each AI model. Different models can have separate numbers assigned to them for incoming texts.

"Temperature: This controls the randomness" - AI Model Parameters: - Temperature: Controls output randomness (lower values increase focus) - Presence Penalty: Discourages repetition - Frequency Penalty: Encourages use of less common words/phrases - Top P (nucleus sampling): Sets probability threshold for token selection

Additional options:

"Include Trained Data" checkbox "Train" button for incorporating custom data

These parameters allow fine-tuning of the AI model's output characteristics.

**"Temperature: This controls the randomness"**
         - AI Model Parameters:
          - Temperature: Controls output randomness (lower values increase focus)
          - Presence Penalty: Discourages repetition
          - Frequency Penalty: Encourages use of less common words/phrases
           - Top P (nucleus sampling): Sets probability threshold for token selection

**Additional options:**

"Include Trained Data" checkbox
"Train" button for incorporating custom data

These parameters allow fine-tuning of the AI model's output characteristics.

Click Save

Click Save

Adding an API Key for ChatGPT: - Click on the ChatGPT icon to open the API key configuration section. - This will allow you to enter your ChatGPT API key for integration with the SMS-iT CRM system.

Note: This example uses ChatGPT, but the process may be similar for other AI models or services supported by our platform.

**Adding an API Key for ChatGPT:**
        - Click on the ChatGPT icon to open the API key configuration section.
       - This will allow you to enter your ChatGPT API key for integration with the SMS-iT CRM system.

Note: This example uses ChatGPT, but the process may be similar for other AI models or services supported by our platform.

Adding Your API Key: - In the API key configuration section, you'll see a field to enter your API key. - Carefully type or paste your ChatGPT API key into the provided field. - Click the "Submit" button. - This action will save your API key and integrate ChatGPT with your SMS-iT CRM system.

Remember: Keep your API key confidential and secure. Never share it with unauthorized individuals.

**Adding Your API Key:**
          - In the API key configuration section, you'll see a field to enter your API key.
         - Carefully type or paste your ChatGPT API key into the provided field.
        - Click the "Submit" button.
         - This action will save your API key and integrate ChatGPT with your SMS-iT CRM system.

Remember: Keep your API key confidential and secure. Never share it with unauthorized individuals.

Custom AI Persona

Introducing SMS-iT AI Persona SMS-iT's patent-pending "Persona" feature allows you to train the AI on your specific business information: - Website content - Frequently asked questions - Company-specific data - Sales and marketing materials

This customization ensures that the AI generates responses tailored to your unique business needs.


Click on "Custom AI Persona"

Click on "Custom AI Persona"

Creating Your AI Persona When setting up your AI Persona: - Choose a descriptive name for easy reference - Create multiple personas for different aspects of your business (e.g., sales, marketing, customer service) - Each persona can be specialized to handle specific tasks or departments

**Creating Your AI Persona**
When setting up your AI Persona:
         - Choose a descriptive name for easy reference
         - Create multiple personas for different aspects of your business (e.g., sales, marketing, 
              customer service)
         - Each persona can be specialized to handle specific tasks or departments

SMS-iT offers flexibility in AI model selection: - Choose from ChatGPT versions 3.5, 4, or 4o - Claude AI is also available as an option (coming soon) - SMS-iT uses a BYOK (Bring Your Own Key) model - Enter your GPT API key for access This approach provides more options and can help reduce costs

**SMS-iT offers flexibility in AI model selection:**
     - Choose from ChatGPT versions 3.5, 4, or 4o
    - Claude AI is also available as an option (coming soon)
         - SMS-iT uses a BYOK (Bring Your Own Key) model
           - Enter your GPT API key for access
This approach provides more options and can help reduce costs

Training Your AI Persona To customize your AI Persona: - Add your website content - Include frequently asked questions and answers - Input any relevant business information - You can edit and add to this information at any time

**Training Your AI Persona**
To customize your AI Persona:
        - Add your website content
     - Include frequently asked questions and answers
         - Input any relevant business information
      - You can edit and add to this information at any time

Testing Your AI Persona:

1. Simulate customer interactions:

  • Compose text messages as if you were a potential customer or client.
  • Ask a variety of questions that your target audience might have.

2. Evaluate response accuracy:

  • Review the AI's answers for correctness and relevance.
  • Check if the information provided aligns with your business offerings and policies.

3. Assess tone and style:

  • Ensure the AI's communication style matches your brand voice.
  • Verify that responses are appropriate for your target audience.

4. Make necessary adjustments:

  • Identify areas where the AI's responses need improvement.
  • Refine the AI's knowledge base or adjust its parameters as needed.
  • Retrain the model if significant changes are required.

5. Repeat the process:

  • Continue testing with different scenarios and question types.
  • Regularly update and fine-tune your AI persona to maintain accuracy and relevance.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your AI persona accurately represents your business and effectively assists potential customers or clients.

**Testing Your AI Persona:**

**1. Simulate customer interactions:**
   - Compose text messages as if you were a potential customer or client.
   - Ask a variety of questions that your target audience might have.

**2. Evaluate response accuracy:**
   - Review the AI's answers for correctness and relevance.
   - Check if the information provided aligns with your business offerings and policies.

**3. Assess tone and style:**
   - Ensure the AI's communication style matches your brand voice.
   - Verify that responses are appropriate for your target audience.

**4. Make necessary adjustments:**
   - Identify areas where the AI's responses need improvement.
   - Refine the AI's knowledge base or adjust its parameters as needed.
   - Retrain the model if significant changes are required.

**5. Repeat the process:**
   - Continue testing with different scenarios and question types.
   - Regularly update and fine-tune your AI persona to maintain accuracy and relevance.

**By following these steps**, you can ensure that your AI persona accurately represents your business and effectively assists potential customers or clients.

AI Transfer

Green Box: AI Transfer Feature

AI Transfer is a sophisticated feature that allows seamless transition from AI-assisted conversations to human agents when necessary. Here's how it works:

1. Trigger: When the AI determines that human intervention is needed, it initiates the transfer process.

2. Notification Method: The system sends a text message to either:

  • A mobile phone number
  • A text-enabled VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) number

3. Multiple Agent Support: The feature can be configured with more than one number, allowing for distribution among multiple human agents.

4. Round Robin Distribution: When multiple numbers are set up, the system uses a round-robin style allocation. This means transfer requests are distributed evenly among available agents, ensuring balanced workload distribution.

5. Context Sharing: The transfer message typically includes relevant context from the AI conversation, allowing the human agent to quickly understand the situation.

This feature ensures that complex or sensitive issues are handled appropriately, combining the efficiency of AI with the nuanced approach of human agents when needed.


Click on "AI Transfer"

Click on "AI Transfer"

Setting up AI Transfer: - Add a keyword to trigger the AI transfer - Include the question from the AI chat that will trigger a response - Add one or more numbers that will receive the question - Provide a brief overview of the customer

**Setting up AI Transfer:**
      - Add a keyword to trigger the AI transfer
        - Include the question from the AI chat that will trigger a response
         - Add one or more numbers that will receive the question
             - Provide a brief overview of the customer

Configuring AI Transfer Message:

Compose the message to be sent from AI to human Use merge tags for personalization: - First name - Mobile number - Brief outline of the AI conversation

This allows the human to respond via text or call with context

**Configuring AI Transfer Message:**

Compose the message to be sent from AI to human
Use merge tags for personalization:
        - First name
           - Mobile number
           - Brief outline of the AI conversation

This allows the human to respond via text or call with context

Save or Update AI Transfer:

Click "Save" when creating AI Transfer for the first time Click "Update" when editing existing AI Transfer settings

**Save or Update AI Transfer:**

Click "Save" when creating AI Transfer for the first time
Click "Update" when editing existing AI Transfer settings

Train AI

Training Your AI with Company-Specific Information

Customizing Your AI's Knowledge Base:

1. Purpose: Train your AI to respond accurately with your company's specific information when customers or clients ask questions.

2. Benefits:

  • Ensures consistent and accurate information delivery
  • Reduces the need for human intervention in routine inquiries
  • Improves customer experience with quick, relevant responses

3. Process:

  • Input company data, FAQs, product information, and policies
  • Use various data sources (e.g., website content, documents, chat logs)
  • Regularly update the AI's knowledge to reflect current information

4. Outcome: When a customer or client inquires, the AI draws from this customized knowledge base to provide tailored, company-specific responses.

5. Continuous Improvement: Monitor AI interactions and refine the training data to address any gaps or inaccuracies in responses.

By thoroughly training your AI with company-specific information, you create a powerful tool for efficient and accurate customer communication.


Click on "Train"

Click on "Train"

AI Training Data Sources: - Website content - Text documents - Chat logs - User feedback - Industry-specific information - YouTube videos - PDFs - Sitemaps - DOC files - Code documentation - Notion content

This variety of sources allows for comprehensive AI training tailored to your business needs.

**AI Training Data Sources:**
           - Website content
       - Text documents
        - Chat logs
         - User feedback
         - Industry-specific information
           - YouTube videos
          - PDFs
            - Sitemaps
         - DOC files
          - Code documentation
           - Notion content

This variety of sources allows for comprehensive AI training tailored to your business needs.

Train on website URL


Website Data Extraction:

Add exact URL for specific page extraction Add domain for extraction from all URLs within the domain

**Website Data Extraction:**

Add exact URL for specific page extraction
Add domain for extraction from all URLs within the domain

Click on "Extract Data"

Click on "Extract Data"

Data Extraction Options:

"Select all pages" for comprehensive extraction Individually select from "Existing pages" for targeted extraction

**Data Extraction Options:**

"Select all pages" for comprehensive extraction
Individually select from "Existing pages" for targeted extraction

Click on "Extract Data"

Click on "Extract Data"

Your data is now imported

Your data is now imported

Choose Data Analysis

Three Key Analysis Types for AI Assistant Training

To enhance your AI assistant's capabilities, SMS-iT CRM utilizes three sophisticated analysis methods: 1. Intent Classification 2. Contextual Awareness 3. Emotion Analysis Each of these methods serves a unique purpose in training your AI assistant, enabling it to understand and respond to user queries more effectively. We will explore each type in detail, including: - The primary function of each analysis method - How it processes and interprets user input - Specific use cases demonstrating its practical application By leveraging these analysis types, you can create a more intelligent, responsive, and empathetic AI assistant that better serves your customers' needs. The following slides will break down each method, helping you understand how to best utilize these powerful tools in your AI training process.


Select Data Analysis Method: Choose your desired mode of analysis from the "Choose Data Analysis" dropdown menu to train your AI assistant effectively.ta

**Select Data Analysis Method:**
Choose your desired mode of analysis from the "Choose Data Analysis" dropdown menu to train your AI assistant effectively.ta

Intent Classification:

Purpose: To categorize user inputs into predefined intents or actions. Process:

Analyzes text data to identify patterns and key phrases associated with specific intents. Groups similar queries or commands into distinct categories.

Training focus:

Teaching the model to recognize various ways users might express the same intent. Building a robust set of intents that cover the range of user requests.

Use case:

Ideal for creating chatbots or AI assistants that need to understand and respond to specific user requests. Helps in automating responses to common queries or actions.

**Intent Classification:**

**Purpose:** To categorize user inputs into predefined intents or actions.

Analyzes text data to identify patterns and key phrases associated with specific intents.
Groups similar queries or commands into distinct categories.

**Training focus:**

Teaching the model to recognize various ways users might express the same intent.
Building a robust set of intents that cover the range of user requests.

**Use case:**

Ideal for creating chatbots or AI assistants that need to understand and respond to specific user requests.
Helps in automating responses to common queries or actions.

Contextual Awareness:

Purpose: To extract and utilize contextual information from conversations or user interactions. Process:

Analyzes sequences of messages or user interactions to understand context over time. Identifies relationships between different pieces of information within a conversation.

Training focus:

Teaching the model to maintain and use conversation history. Developing the ability to understand references and implicit information.

Use case:

Useful for creating more sophisticated AI systems that can handle complex, multi-turn conversations. Enables personalized responses based on user history and conversation context.

**Contextual Awareness:**

**Purpose:** To extract and utilize contextual information from conversations or user interactions.

Analyzes sequences of messages or user interactions to understand context over time.
Identifies relationships between different pieces of information within a conversation.

**Training focus:**

Teaching the model to maintain and use conversation history.
Developing the ability to understand references and implicit information.

**Use case:**

Useful for creating more sophisticated AI systems that can handle complex, multi-turn conversations.
Enables personalized responses based on user history and conversation context.

Emotion Analysis:

Purpose: To detect and categorize emotional content in text data. Process:

Analyzes text for emotional indicators, sentiment, and intensity. Categorizes text into emotional states or sentiment categories.

Training focus:

Teaching the model to recognize emotional language and tonal indicators in text. Developing sensitivity to nuances in emotional expression.

Use case:

Valuable for sentiment analysis in customer feedback or social media monitoring. Can be used to prioritize or route messages based on emotional content.

**Emotion Analysis:**

**Purpose:** To detect and categorize emotional content in text data.

Analyzes text for emotional indicators, sentiment, and intensity.
Categorizes text into emotional states or sentiment categories.

**Training focus:**

Teaching the model to recognize emotional language and tonal indicators in text.
Developing sensitivity to nuances in emotional expression.

**Use case:**

Valuable for sentiment analysis in customer feedback or social media monitoring.
Can be used to prioritize or route messages based on emotional content.

When choosing a data extraction and training method:

Consider the type of data you have and the insights you want to gain. Think about the primary function of your AI system and which method aligns best with your goals. You may use a combination of these methods for more comprehensive analysis and training. Ensure you have sufficient and diverse data to train effectively in your chosen method(s). Remember, the effectiveness of these methods depends on the quality and quantity of your training data, as well as the specific algorithms and models used in your AI system.


When you've decided on your data anaylsis model Click on "Train"

When you've decided on your data anaylsis model Click on "Train"

Your AI assistant has been trained

Your AI assistant has been trained

All Data Import Options


Enhancing Your AI Assistant's Knowledge: Continuously improve your AI assistant by utilizing various data import options to: - Expand its knowledge base - Refine understanding of specific topics - Keep it updated with the latest information

Regular incorporation of new data from diverse sources ensures your AI assistant remains: - Current - Relevant - Increasingly capable of addressing a wide range of user queries and tasks

**Enhancing Your AI Assistant's Knowledge:**
Continuously improve your AI assistant by utilizing various data import options to:
           - Expand its knowledge base
           - Refine understanding of specific topics
           - Keep it updated with the latest information

Regular incorporation of new data from diverse sources ensures your AI assistant remains:
           - Current
           - Relevant
           - Increasingly capable of addressing a wide range of user queries and tasks

Here's a brief explanation for each data import option:

1. Website: Extracts and processes content from specified web pages or entire websites.

2. Text: Allows direct input or upload of plain text documents for training.

3. Chat Logs: Imports conversational data from previous chat interactions or customer service logs.

4. User Feedback: Incorporates customer reviews, comments, or survey responses into the training data.

5. Industry Specific: Focuses on importing specialized data relevant to a particular industry or field.

6. YouTube: Extracts information from YouTube video transcripts, titles, and descriptions.

7. PDF: Imports and processes text content from PDF documents.

8. Sitemap: Uses a website's sitemap to systematically import content from all listed pages.

9. DOC: Imports and processes text from Microsoft Word documents.

10. Code Doc: Specifically designed to import and analyze software documentation or code comments.

11. Notion: Imports content from Notion workspaces, including pages and databases.

These options provide a wide range of data sources to train your AI, allowing you to customize its knowledge base according to your specific needs and industry.

**Here's a brief explanation for each data import option:**

**1. Website:** Extracts and processes content from specified web pages or entire websites.

**2. Text:** Allows direct input or upload of plain text documents for training.

**3. Chat Logs:** Imports conversational data from previous chat interactions or customer service logs.

**4. User Feedback:** Incorporates customer reviews, comments, or survey responses into the training data.

**5. Industry Specific:** Focuses on importing specialized data relevant to a particular industry or field.

**6. YouTube:** Extracts information from YouTube video transcripts, titles, and descriptions.

**7. PDF:** Imports and processes text content from PDF documents.

**8. Sitemap:** Uses a website's sitemap to systematically import content from all listed pages.

**9. DOC:** Imports and processes text from Microsoft Word documents.

**10. Code Doc:** Specifically designed to import and analyze software documentation or code comments.

**11. Notion:** Imports content from Notion workspaces, including pages and databases.

These options provide a wide range of data sources to train your AI, allowing you to customize its knowledge base according to your specific needs and industry.

Adding additional Questions and Answers


Click on "Personalize AI"

Click on "Personalize AI"

Click on "+ Add Q & A"

Click on "+ Add Q & A"

Insert a question

Insert a question

Click on "Add"

Click on "Add"

Click on the arrow to add a response

Click on the arrow to add a response

Click on "Edit"

Click on "Edit"

Add your response

Add your response

Click on "Save"

Click on "Save"

Customizing AI Responses: - Edit existing questions or responses - Add new questions and answers as needed - Review chats, emails, and other sources to identify frequently asked questions - Continuously update to improve AI performance - Add as many Q&As as necessary to thoroughly train your AI

This process ensures your AI assistant can effectively address common customer inquiries and provide accurate, relevant information.

**Customizing AI Responses:**
            - Edit existing questions or responses
              - Add new questions and answers as needed
                     - Review chats, emails, and other sources to identify frequently asked questions
                    - Continuously update to improve AI performance
                       - Add as many Q&As as necessary to thoroughly train your AI

This process ensures your AI assistant can effectively address common customer inquiries and provide accurate, relevant information.

Your import data and retraining


Managing Training Data: Access all training data by clicking on the appropriate import channel Retrain data as needed to keep your AI up-to-date Regular review and updates ensure optimal AI performance

**Managing Training Data:**
Access all training data by clicking on the appropriate import channel
Retrain data as needed to keep your AI up-to-date
Regular review and updates ensure optimal AI performance

Retraining Process: To retrain any dataset: 1. Click on "Train" for the specific data you want to update 2. Review and modify the existing data as needed 3. Choose a different Data Analysis method if desired 4. Click "Train" again to implement changes

This process allows for continuous improvement and refinement of your AI assistant's knowledge and capabilities.

**Retraining Process:**
**To retrain any dataset:**
       1. Click on "Train" for the specific data you want to update
          2. Review and modify the existing data as needed
         3. Choose a different Data Analysis method if desired
          4. Click "Train" again to implement changes

This process allows for continuous improvement and refinement of your AI assistant's knowledge and capabilities.

Retraining Existing Data: - Existing data appears in the text box - Add or remove information as needed - Option to use a different Data Analysis method - Click "Train" to retrain with updated information

This flexible approach allows you to keep your AI assistant's knowledge current and relevant to your business needs.

**Retraining Existing Data:**
           - Existing data appears in the text box
           - Add or remove information as needed
          - Option to use a different Data Analysis method
           - Click "Train" to retrain with updated information

This flexible approach allows you to keep your AI assistant's knowledge current and relevant to your business needs.

Important notes for users: - Regularly update and retrain your AI to ensure it remains current and accurate. -Test your AI persona thoroughly to maintain consistency with your brand voice and business policies. - Utilize a variety of data sources to create a well-rounded and knowledgeable AI assistant. - Monitor AI performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

Closing statement: The SMS-iT CRM AI Features offer a powerful and flexible solution for businesses looking to enhance their customer relationship management through artificial intelligence. By leveraging these tools, companies can provide more efficient, personalized, and effective customer service, leading to improved satisfaction rates and stronger business relationships. The customizable nature of the platform ensures that businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from AI-driven insights and automation, ultimately driving growth and success in an increasingly competitive market landscape.
