
Tag-iT: Tags in the SMS-iT CRM

Overview of Tags

Tags in a CRM are labels or keywords that help categorize and organize contacts, activities, and other data. They allow users to segment their database based on specific attributes or behaviors, making it easier to manage and target communication effectively. For example, you can tag contacts based on their interaction with your business, such as "Prospect," "Customer," "VIP," or based on their interests like "Webinars," "Product A," etc.

How Tags Work in a CRM

  1. Organization: Tags help categorize contacts and data for easy retrieval and management. This ensures that you can quickly find and group similar items.
  2. Segmentation: By tagging contacts, you can create specific segments for targeted marketing campaigns, ensuring relevant messaging.
  3. Automation: Tags can trigger workflows or automation rules, such as sending a welcome email to new prospects or follow-up emails to existing customers.
  4. Tracking: Tags allow you to track the effectiveness of your campaigns and understand customer behavior and preferences.
  5. Personalization: They enable personalized communication by identifying specific attributes or actions of contacts.

Tag-iT and SMS-iT CRM

Tag-iT enhances the tagging system within the SMS-iT CRM ecosystem by leveraging patent-pending AI technology. Here’s how it adds value:

  • AI-Driven Insights: Tag-iT uses advanced AI algorithms to suggest relevant tags based on contact behavior and data patterns, reducing manual effort and improving accuracy.
  • Automation Enhancement: The AI technology enables more sophisticated automation, such as predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and trigger appropriate actions.
  • Improved Segmentation: AI-powered tagging allows for dynamic segmentation, automatically updating contact tags based on real-time data and interactions.
  • Efficient Management: The system streamlines the tagging process, making it quicker and easier to manage large databases without losing precision.

In summary, tags in a CRM help organize and segment data for effective management and personalized communication. Tag-iT, with its AI technology, enhances these capabilities within the SMS-iT CRM ecosystem, offering smarter and more efficient tagging solutions.

Benefits of using the SMS-iT CRM platform

for marketing agencies, small businesses, solo entrepreneurs, and professionals: Enhanced Client Segmentation: The flexible tagging system allows for precise categorization of clients, enabling highly targeted marketing efforts and personalized communication. Improved Workflow Automation: With condition-based tagging and pipeline stage tagging, businesses can automate many aspects of their client management process, saving time and reducing manual errors. Data-Driven Decision Making: The comprehensive tagging system provides valuable insights into client behavior, preferences, and journey through sales or service pipelines, enabling more informed business decisions. Scalability: As your business grows, the SMS-iT CRM's tagging system can adapt to increasingly complex client management needs without losing efficiency. Integrated Marketing Campaigns: The ability to tag contacts based on their interactions with campaigns, Smart Tools, and pipelines allows for seamless integration of marketing efforts across various channels. Customizable for Different Industries: Whether you're a marketing agency, a law firm, or a healthcare provider, the flexible tagging system can be tailored to meet your specific industry needs.


Click on "Automation"

Click on "Automation"

Click on "START" in the Tag-iT box

Click on "START" in the Tag-iT box

This is the main dashboard for Tag-iT, the columns are:

  1. Tag Name: The name assigned to a tag, used to categorize contacts or activities.
  2. Contacts: The number of contacts associated with a specific tag, indicating how many individuals or entities are grouped under this tag.
  3. Groups: The number of groups linked to the tag, showing how many collective entities or segments include this tag.
  4. Campaigns: The number of marketing campaigns that utilize this tag, helping track the effectiveness and reach of targeted efforts.
  5. Smart Tools: Features or tools that leverage tags for automation, analytics, or other advanced CRM functions.
  6. Pipelines: Sales or service pipelines that involve the tagged contacts or activities, assisting in visualizing the progress and status within these processes.
  7. Stages: Specific stages within a pipeline where the tagged contacts or activities currently reside, aiding in the management and organization of the sales or service process.
  8. Workflows: Automated sequences that include the tag, helping to streamline and automate repetitive tasks or processes.
  9. Conditions: Specific criteria or rules associated with the tag, defining when and how the tag is applied or triggered.
  10. Status: The current status of the tag (e.g., active or inactive), indicating its availability and usage within the CRM.
  11. Added By: The user who created or added the tag, providing accountability and tracking of tag creation.
  12. Actions: Available actions for each tag, such as editing, deleting, or viewing detailed information, allowing for management and maintenance of tags.

These columns help organize and manage CRM data effectively, enabling better segmentation, automation, and tracking of customer interactions and marketing efforts.

This is the main dashboard for **Tag-iT**, the columns are:
1. **Tag Name**: The name assigned to a tag, used to categorize contacts or activities.
2. **Contacts**: The number of contacts associated with a specific tag, indicating how many individuals or entities are grouped under this tag.
3. **Groups**: The number of groups linked to the tag, showing how many collective entities or segments include this tag.
4. **Campaigns**: The number of marketing campaigns that utilize this tag, helping track the effectiveness and reach of targeted efforts.
5. **Smart Tools**: Features or tools that leverage tags for automation, analytics, or other advanced CRM functions.
6. **Pipelines**: Sales or service pipelines that involve the tagged contacts or activities, assisting in visualizing the progress and status within these processes.
7. **Stages**: Specific stages within a pipeline where the tagged contacts or activities currently reside, aiding in the management and organization of the sales or service process.
8. **Workflows**: Automated sequences that include the tag, helping to streamline and automate repetitive tasks or processes.
9. **Conditions**: Specific criteria or rules associated with the tag, defining when and how the tag is applied or triggered.
10. **Status**: The current status of the tag (e.g., active or inactive), indicating its availability and usage within the CRM.
11. **Added By**: The user who created or added the tag, providing accountability and tracking of tag creation.
12. **Actions**: Available actions for each tag, such as editing, deleting, or viewing detailed information, allowing for management and maintenance of tags.

These columns help organize and manage CRM data effectively, enabling better segmentation, automation, and tracking of customer interactions and marketing efforts.

Add Tag


Click on the "Add Tag" icon

Click on the "Add Tag" icon

Name your tag and click on "Save"

Name your tag and click on "Save"

Your tag has been created.

Your tag has been created.

Assigning tags

You can assign tags to various elements within the CRM, including contacts, groups, campaigns, smart tools, pipelines, and stages.


Click on the "Tag" icon

Click on the "Tag" icon

Click on "Assign To"

Click on "Assign To"

We'll now explore the process of assigning tags to different elements in the CRM.

We'll now explore the process of assigning tags to different elements in the CRM.



Click on "Contacts"

Click on "Contacts"

From the dropdown menu, select the contact you want to tag.

From the dropdown menu, select the contact you want to tag.

Click on "Save"

Click on "Save"

Refresh your screen to view the newly tagged contact.

Refresh your screen to view the newly tagged contact.

Open the contact's profile to verify that the tag has been added to their information form.

Open the contact's profile to verify that the tag has been added to their information form.

Section Summary: This section demonstrates how to create and assign tags to contacts within the SMS-iT CRM. For small businesses, marketing agencies, and professionals, this feature allows for better organization and segmentation of client data. By efficiently tagging contacts, users can improve targeted communication, streamline marketing efforts, and enhance overall client management.



Click on the "Tag" icon

Click on the "Tag" icon

Select "Groups" from the "Assign To" dropdown menu.

Select "Groups" from the "Assign To" dropdown menu.

Click on "Assign To"

Click on "Assign To"

Click on "Save"

Click on "Save"

Your group now has a tag. When a customer or client is added to this group, they'll automatically receive the tag on their contact page. This feature allows you to: - Run campaigns based on tags or groups. - Add multiple groups to a single tag. - Assign multiple tags to a single group.

This flexibility enhances your ability to segment and target your audience effectively.

Your group now has a tag. When a customer or client is added to this group, they'll automatically receive the tag on their contact page. This feature allows you to:
            - Run campaigns based on tags or groups.
                    - Add multiple groups to a single tag.
               - Assign multiple tags to a single group.

This flexibility enhances your ability to segment and target your audience effectively.



Click on the "Tag" icon

Click on the "Tag" icon

Choose "Campaigns" from the "Assign To" dropdown menu. Select the specific campaign you want to tag.

Choose "Campaigns" from the "Assign To" dropdown menu.
Select the specific campaign you want to tag.

Click on "Save"

Click on "Save"

Your tag is now associated with the selected campaign. Benefits include: - Automatic tagging of contacts when they enter the campaign. - Ability to re-engage tagged contacts in future campaigns. - Improved segmentation for targeted marketing and sales efforts. - Enhanced tracking of campaign participation and effectiveness.

Your tag is now associated with the selected campaign. 
**Benefits include:**
               - Automatic tagging of contacts when they enter the campaign.
               - Ability to re-engage tagged contacts in future campaigns.
               - Improved segmentation for targeted marketing and sales efforts.
             - Enhanced tracking of campaign participation and effectiveness.

Smart Tools


Click on the "Tag" icon

Click on the "Tag" icon

Click on "Select"

Click on "Select"

Choose the Smart Tool you want to associate with a tag. Select the specific project within that Smart Tool to tag.

Choose the Smart Tool you want to associate with a tag.
Select the specific project within that Smart Tool to tag.

Click on "Save"

Click on "Save"

Your tag is now linked to the selected Smart Tool. Key points: - You can associate multiple Smart Tools with a single tag. - Any contact using the Smart Tool will automatically receive the tag. - The tag will appear in the contact's information form. - This feature allows for improved tracking and segmentation based on tool usage.

Your tag is now linked to the selected Smart Tool. 
**Key points:**
           - You can associate multiple Smart Tools with a single tag.
           - Any contact using the Smart Tool will automatically receive the tag.
          - The tag will appear in the contact's information form.
          - This feature allows for improved tracking and segmentation based on tool usage.

Section Summary: This section covers tagging groups, campaigns, and Smart Tools in the SMS-iT CRM. For solo entrepreneurs, marketing agencies, small businesses, and professionals like doctors and lawyers, these features offer powerful ways to segment audiences, track campaign effectiveness, and monitor tool usage. By leveraging these tagging capabilities, users can create more targeted marketing strategies, improve customer engagement, and gain valuable insights into client behavior and preferences.

Pipelines and stages


Click the "Tag" icon

Click the "Tag" icon

Click on "Select"

Click on "Select"

Choose the desired pipeline from the "Pipelines" dropdown menu. Select the specific stage within that pipeline from the "Stages" dropdown menu.

Choose the desired pipeline from the "Pipelines" dropdown menu.
Select the specific stage within that pipeline from the "Stages" dropdown menu.

Click on "Save"

Click on "Save"

Your tag has been successfully added to the selected pipeline and stage. Key benefits: - Automatic tagging: Contacts are tagged when they enter the specified pipeline stage. - Stage-specific tagging: You can create unique tags for each stage in your pipeline. - Enhanced sorting: Easily sort contacts based on their pipeline stage. - Targeted campaigns: Use stage-specific tags to create tailored campaigns or utilize other CRM tools more effectively.

This feature allows for more nuanced tracking and management of contacts throughout your sales or service process.

Your tag has been successfully added to the selected pipeline and stage. 
**Key benefits:**
            - Automatic tagging: Contacts are tagged when they enter the specified pipeline stage.
            - Stage-specific tagging: You can create unique tags for each stage in your pipeline.
           - Enhanced sorting: Easily sort contacts based on their pipeline stage.
            - Targeted campaigns: Use stage-specific tags to create tailored campaigns or utilize other 
CRM tools more effectively.

This feature allows for more nuanced tracking and management of contacts throughout your sales or service process.



Click on the "Automation" icon

Click on the "Automation" icon

From the dropdown menu, select a "Condition" that will trigger the tagging of a contact. This allows you to automate the tagging process based on specific criteria or actions.

From the dropdown menu, select a "Condition" that will trigger the tagging of a contact. This allows you to automate the tagging process based on specific criteria or actions.

After selecting a condition, click on "Save" to confirm. You can associate multiple conditions with a single tag, allowing for more complex and precise automated tagging.

After selecting a condition, click on "Save" to confirm.
You can associate multiple conditions with a single tag, allowing for more complex and precise automated tagging.

Your condition has been added

Your condition has been added

Section Summary: This section covers advanced tagging features in the SMS-iT CRM, including pipeline and stage tagging, as well as automated tagging based on conditions. For marketing agencies, small businesses, solo entrepreneurs, and professionals like doctors and lawyers, these features offer powerful tools for automating and refining their customer relationship management processes. By implementing stage-specific tags and condition-based automated tagging, users can: - Track client progress through sales or service pipelines more effectively. - Automate segmentation based on client behavior or characteristics. - Create highly targeted marketing campaigns tailored to specific pipeline stages. - Improve overall efficiency in managing client relationships and communication.

These advanced tagging capabilities enable businesses to provide more personalized experiences to their clients while streamlining their internal processes.

Important notes for users: - Tags can be applied to various elements: contacts, groups, campaigns, Smart Tools, pipelines, and stages. - The system allows for multi-layered tagging, enhancing segmentation capabilities. - Automated tagging based on conditions can significantly streamline workflow. - Regular review and maintenance of tags is recommended to ensure optimal organization.

By leveraging the full potential of the Tag-iT system within SMS-iT CRM, businesses can significantly enhance their customer relationship management, leading to improved client satisfaction, more effective marketing, and ultimately, business growth.
