

The Notepad feature in SMS-iT is a powerful tool that streamlines communication with your contacts. It provides a centralized location to create, store, and manage notes for each individual contact. With Notepad, you can easily compose new notes, review existing ones, and send them to your contacts using various communication channels. This feature enhances organization and efficiency by keeping all your contact-specific notes in one place, making it simple to refer back to previous conversations and maintain a clear record of your interactions. Whether you need to jot down important information, save a message template, or quickly send a note to a contact, the Notepad feature in SMS-iT has you covered.


Click on "Communication"

Click on "Communication"

Click on "Notepad"

Click on "Notepad"

Select the contact for whom you would like to create a note, review an existing note, or send a note.

Select the contact for whom you would like to create a note, review an existing note, or send a note.

Once you have selected a contact, you can compose a new note in the provided text area.

Once you have selected a contact, you can compose a new note in the provided text area.

After composing a note, you have the option to save it for future reference. Saved notes can be retrieved from the list below

After composing a note, you have the option to save it for future reference. Saved notes can be retrieved from the list below

In addition to saving notes, you can also send them to your contacts via various communication channels, such as SMS, email, social networks (e.g., FB messenger or WhatsApp), or fax.

In addition to saving notes, you can also send them to your contacts via various communication channels, such as SMS, email, social networks (e.g., FB messenger or WhatsApp), or fax.

When sending an SMS or fax, click on the "Select Send Number" option to choose the recipient's number.

When sending an SMS or fax, click on the "Select Send Number" option to choose the recipient's number.

After selecting the send number, click on the "Send SMS" button to send the note as an SMS.

After selecting the send number, click on the "Send SMS" button to send the note as an SMS.

To send the note as an email, click on the "Send Email" button. Please note that the email will not include a subject line or an unsubscribe option. This feature is primarily intended for sending messages to team members or known contacts rather than clients. For formal client communication, use the dedicated email section in the SMS-iT system to ensure compliance.

To send the note as an email, click on the "Send Email" button. Please note that the email will not include a subject line or an unsubscribe option. This feature is primarily intended for sending messages to team members or known contacts rather than clients. For formal client communication, use the dedicated email section in the SMS-iT system to ensure compliance.

The list section allows you to review the notes that have been sent to a customer. You can also send a saved note or edit a previously sent note and resend it by clicking on the edit icon.

The list section allows you to review the notes that have been sent to a customer. You can also send a saved note or edit a previously sent note and resend it by clicking on the edit icon.

After clicking the edit icon, you can modify the note's content and choose to resend it using your preferred communication channel. Alternatively, you can simply update the note for future reference without resending it.

After clicking the edit icon, you can modify the note's content and choose to resend it using your preferred communication channel. Alternatively, you can simply update the note for future reference without resending it.

In summary, the **Notepad **feature in SMS-iT enables you to create, save, review, edit, and send notes to your contacts using various communication channels, such as SMS, email, social networks, and fax. It provides a convenient way to manage and communicate with your contacts while maintaining a record of sent notes.
