
Ring Groups

Ring Groups in SMS-iT CRM allow you to distribute incoming calls among multiple team members, improving response times and enhancing customer service

Ring Groups in SMS-iT CRM allow you to distribute incoming calls among multiple team members, improving response times and enhancing customer service. This feature enables efficient call handling by simultaneously ringing, using round-robin, or other strategies to connect calls to multiple extensions or phone numbers when a call comes in.

The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on creating and configuring ring groups, including setting up call routing strategies, customizing greetings, and assigning extensions. By implementing Ring Groups, businesses can ensure that calls are answered promptly and directed to the most appropriate team member, enhancing overall customer experience and operational efficiency.


Click on "Communication"

Click on "Communication"

Click on "Voice"

Click on "Voice"

Click on "Extensions"

Click on "Extensions"

Click on "Ring Group"

Click on "Ring Group"

The Ring Group dashboard displays essential information including Name, Extension, Phone Number, Strategy, Description, Active status, and available Actions.

The **Ring Group** dashboard displays essential information including Name, Extension, Phone Number, Strategy, Description, Active status, and available Actions.

Add Ring Group: Account number settings


Click on "Add Ring Group"

Click on "Add Ring Group"

Connect To: Select a number from the pull-down menu. This is the number that your customers will call to connect to the ring group. For example, you might use a new customer acquisition number that was provided in an advertisement. When prospects call this number after watching a video or sales presentation, they can get more information or sign up. This scenario can be adapted for various purposes such as sales, support, appointment scheduling, or connecting to a live operator.

**Connect To:** Select a number from the pull-down menu. This is the number that your customers will call to connect to the ring group. For example, you might use a new customer acquisition number that was provided in an advertisement. When prospects call this number after watching a video or sales presentation, they can get more information or sign up. This scenario can be adapted for various purposes such as sales, support, appointment scheduling, or connecting to a live operator.

Ring Group Name: Assign a name to your ring group. In this example, we're using "New Customer Acquisition

**Ring Group Name:** Assign a name to your ring group. In this example, we're using "New Customer Acquisition

Ring Group Extension: This is the extension number that the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system will use to transfer calls to this ring group. For instance, if a caller presses 5 in the IVR option menu, the call will be directed to this ring group. For more information on IVR, refer to the "IVR" tutorial.

**Ring Group Extension:** This is the extension number that the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system will use to transfer calls to this ring group. For instance, if a caller presses 5 in the IVR option menu, the call will be directed to this ring group. For more information on IVR, refer to the "IVR" tutorial.

Account Number: Select the number(s) that calls will be routed to from the pull-down menu. Strategy: Choose whether the numbers should be called in sequence or randomly. If selecting sequence, calls will follow the order shown in the Account Name field. Ring Back: Determine how many times each number will ring before moving to the next number. In this example, we've set it to three times, but you can adjust this based on your specific needs. Note: If you choose "0", all numbers will be dialed simultaneously, and the first to answer will receive the call.

**Account Number:** Select the number(s) that calls will be routed to from the pull-down menu.
**Strategy:** Choose whether the numbers should be called in sequence or randomly. If selecting sequence, calls will follow the order shown in the Account Name field.
**Ring Back**: Determine how many times each number will ring before moving to the next number. In this example, we've set it to three times, but you can adjust this based on your specific needs. Note: If you choose "0", all numbers will be dialed simultaneously, and the first to answer will receive the call.

Description: Add an internal description to make your ring group easier to understand when you or your colleagues review it later.

**Description:** Add an internal description to make your ring group easier to understand when you or your colleagues review it later.

If Call Not Answered: After cycling through all designated numbers, you can set another extension to receive the call. Options include routing it back to the operator, another department, or a specific individual.

**If Call Not Answered:** After cycling through all designated numbers, you can set another extension to receive the call. Options include routing it back to the operator, another department, or a specific individual.

Click "Save"

Click "Save"

Your ring group has been created. To activate it, toggle the "Active" switch to the on position.

Your ring group has been created. To activate it, toggle the "Active" switch to the on position.

Actions: You can edit or delete your ring group as needed. Remember, you can create multiple ring groups to accommodate various business goals.

**Actions:** You can edit or delete your ring group as needed. Remember, you can create multiple ring groups to accommodate various business goals.

Add Ring Group: Custom Number


Custom Numbers: You can assign custom numbers to your ring group. These custom numbers are set up in the extensions section. Click on "View Extensions" to create a new extension, then add it to the ring group by selecting it from the pull-down menu in the custom number field.

**Custom Numbers:** You can assign custom numbers to your ring group. These custom numbers are set up in the extensions section. Click on "View Extensions" to create a new extension, then add it to the ring group by selecting it from the pull-down menu in the custom number field.

Add Ring Group Greetings


Click on "Add Ring Group Greetings"

Click on "Add Ring Group Greetings"

Select a "Ring Group Number" from the pull-down menu. Compose a greeting using one of the following methods: - Text-to-Speech: Choose the language for the voice to speak in. - Voice Recording: Record a custom greeting. - Upload Audio File: Use a pre-recorded audio file.

You can preview the recording using the audio player and make adjustments as needed

Select a "Ring Group Number" from the pull-down menu. Compose a greeting using one of the following methods:
         - Text-to-Speech: Choose the language for the voice to speak in.
          - Voice Recording: Record a custom greeting.
            - Upload Audio File: Use a pre-recorded audio file.

You can preview the recording using the audio player and make adjustments as needed

Click "Save"

Click "Save"

Closing Statement: Ring Groups in SMS-iT CRM offer significant advantages for small and medium-sized businesses with multiple departments: 1. Improved Customer Service: By ensuring calls are answered promptly and routed to the appropriate department, Ring Groups enhance customer satisfaction and reduce wait times. 2. Increased Efficiency: Departments like sales, support, and accounting can have dedicated Ring Groups, streamlining call handling and improving overall operational efficiency. 3. Flexibility: Easily adjust Ring Groups to accommodate changing business needs, staff availability, or seasonal fluctuations in call volume. 4. Professional Image: Present a polished, organized image to callers with customized greetings and efficient call routing, regardless of your business size. 5. Balanced Workload: Distribute calls evenly among team members within departments, preventing burnout and ensuring consistent service quality. 6. Scalability: As your business grows, Ring Groups can be easily modified or expanded to accommodate new departments or team members. 7. Cost-Effective: Maximize the use of existing staff and phone lines without the need for expensive hardware or dedicated receptionists. 8. Improved Analytics: Gain insights into call patterns and department performance, allowing for data-driven decisions to optimize your communication strategy.

By implementing Ring Groups through the SMS-iT CRM, small and medium-sized businesses can compete with larger enterprises in terms of call management efficiency, ultimately leading to improved customer relationships and business growth.
